Ballpoint Illustration / Paper Dolphin


I'm a little late with this, but thought I'd add to the #DrawTheOceans tag created by @greenpeaceuk with a little origami drawing. Last month the theme was Dolphins, highlighting the work they're doing to help protect ocean life in India.

I've been drawing origami animals with ballpoint pen for a long time now. I think it started with a paper crane around 2012; a piece I called "High Hopes." That first piece was inspired by the legend that anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish, or eternal good fortune. The story still crosses my mind when things get a bit ropy or uncertain - during a global pandemic, for example! - and I end up with an urge to pick up a pen and add to this hopeful little collection. Even if things are tough now; life's still good, and the future is exciting. (Also, the days are finally getting brighter and warmer, and that definitely helps me feel a lot more optimistic.)


Graphic Props / A Study in Scarlet


Ballpoint Illustration / You Are Here